Container Data Management – Today & Tomorrow

7-8 October, 2021

SODA Foundation is a platinum partner at OSI Days 2021

OSI Days 2021 is a virtual event.

Keynote at OSI 2021

Building A Data and Storage Ecosystem

8 October, 2021
11:45-12:30 IST

Steven Tan

SODA Board Chair, VP & CTO Cloud Solutions, Futurewei

Sanil Kumar D

Chief Architect, TOC, Chief Architect, TOC, Arch Lead, Huawei / SODA Foundation

SODA Forum

Container Data Management – Today & Tomorrow!

8 October, 2021
14:45 - 17:45 IST

SODA Forum @ OSI 2021

SODA Bootcamp 2021

Do your contribution to open source, today!

7 October, 2021
14:45 - 17:45 IST

SODA Hackathon OSI 2021

Projects: Multicloud, Delfin, Dashboard

27 September - 7 October

SODA Foundation Virtual Booth At OSI

7 - 8 October, 2021

Come meet the developers, end users and contributors of SODA and discuss your use-cases, how to join and contribute to SODA. Watch demos and interact with the developers.

SODA Forum

SODA : One Data Framework, Infinite Possibilities

SODA Forum @ OSI 2021

Friday 8 October, 2021 14:45 – 17:45 IST

“Container Data Management – Today & Tomorrow!”


SODA Forum @ OSI Days 2021, by SODA Foundation, is a technical mini summit that brings together industry leaders, developers, and end-users to collaborate and share projects, innovation, and best practices for data management and storage in the era of cloud native, IoT, big data, machine learning, and more.


Many storage vendors and industry leaders are exploring better ways to manage the data (and of course the storage!). As more and more users started migrating to containerization and container-based deployments, container storage solutions are emerging. Hybrid data management across Edge, Cloud, and On-premise is one of the areas, many developments and experiments are happening.


Listen and discuss with developers, maintainers, and architects who are working in this space.

We can also listen to their suggestions and inputs for further collaboration for unified data solutions in open source.


We will have interesting talks from industry experts, panel discussions and lightning talks.

Along with learning and sharing, amazing goodies to win!


14:45 – 14:50

Welcome!Lets get started!

Anvith K.S., Maintainer, SODA Projects, Organizer Community Events

Anvith KS

14:50 – 15:10

Trend and State of Container Data Management

Kiran Mova, TOC, Chief Architect, SODA Foundation / MayaData

Sanil Kumar D, Chief Architect, TOC, ArchWG Lead, SODA Foundation / Huawei Technologies India Pvt Ltd

Kiran Mova

Sanil Kumar D.

15:10 – 15:25

Customer Scenarios for Container Data Management

Lin Xu, Architect, Huawei Technologies, Maintainer, SODA Foundation

Kei Kusunoki, Storage Engineer, NTT Communications; SODA TOC Co-chair


Kei Kusunoki

15:25 – 15:30

Quiz / Speaker Introduction

15:30 – 16:00

Panel Discussion – CDM Needs and Challenges


Yusuf Yildiz, (Member, SODA TOC / Solutions Architect, LinBit)

Pradip Kumar Das (Senior Vice President Of Engineering – Cloud & AI R&D at Huawei Technologies India)

Jean-François Marie (Senior Technical Account Manager, Pure Storage)

Moderator: Ashit Kumar (SODA Project Maintainer, SODA India OC, Architect, Huawei Technologies India)

Yusuf Yildiz

Pradip Kumar Das

Jean-Francois Marie

Ashit Kumar

16:00 – 16:05

Speaker Introduction

16:05 – 16:35

Say Hello to SODA Kalpeni v1.5.0

Najmudheen CT, SODA Project Maintainer, Lead Architect, Huawei Technologies India

Vineela P. , Software Engineer, Huawei Technologies India

Himanshu Varshney, Senior Software Engineer 2, Delphix India

Rushikesh Dapurkar, SDE, Click2Cloud Inc.

Amit Kumar Roushan, SODA Project Maintainer, Senior System Architect, Huawei Technologies India

Akhil Mohan, Software Engineer,  MayaData

Najmudheen CT

Vineela P

Himanshu Varshney

Rushikesh Dapurkar

Amit Kumar Roushan

Akhil Mohan

16:35 – 16:40

Quiz / Speaker Introduction

16:40 – 17:00

Why CSI is critical for your Kubernetes cluster?

Alex Chircop, Founder and CEO at StorageOS, Co-Chair CNCF Storage TAG

Alex Chircop

17:00 – 17:05

Speaker Introduction

17:05 – 17:15

Possibilities of Open Source : A SODA Experience

Ayshwarya Baburan, Professor of Computer Science Department at Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore

Swetha M.A, Student BCA Analytics, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore

Ayshwarya Baburan

Swetha MA

17:15 – 17:20

Speaker Introduction

17:20 – 17:30

Container management with the Kubernetes Cluster

Rupal Shirpurkar, Business Head(Cloud BU – APAC), Click2Cloud Inc.

Rupal Shirpurkar

17:30 – 17:35

Speaker Introduction

17:35 – 17:50

SODA Community and India Ecosystem

Sai Nath (Practice Head (Storage), Industrial & Engineering Services (I&ES), Wipro, SODA India OC Lead)

Sai Nath

17:50 – 18:00

Quiz / Wrapup

SODA Bootcamp

SODA Developer Bootcamp 2021

7 October, 2021 14:45 – 17:45 IST

Do your contribution to open source, today!

The SODA Developer Bootcamp is an interactive event to enable participants to get familiar with the basics of SODA and the open source ecosystem. This will introduce them to some of the key use cases of SODA projects with dedicated help from community members.


Participants will gain knowledge and hands-on experience on contributing to the Open source ecosystem and can use this bootcamp as the first step in their open source journey. Participants will be introduced to testing projects and features, raising and fixing issues, raising pull requests and various best practices and tools required to start their contributions.



  • Briefing on the event – 30 minutes
  • Live handson – 120 minutes
  • Experience sharing and wrapup – 30 mins
  • Participants to be divided into multiple breakout rooms with 2 mentors supporting them

Tentative Event Time:

  • Day 1 – 7 October, 2021 14:45 – 17:45 IST


The rules, prerequisites and other details for the Bootcamp can be found here.



  • All participants will be provided bootcamp completion certificates
  • Top 5 contributors will be awarded with vouchers (5 x 1000 = INR 5000/-)

Mentors & Facilitators:

SODA Hackathon OSI

SODA Hackathon OSI 2021

The SODA Hackathon OSI 2021 is an initiative to encourage people to contribute to Open Source projects, whether by fixing bugs, creating new features, or updating and writing documentation through core SODA Projects.


You will be working on core SODA Projects and you can contribute to these projects on Github by submitting Pull Requests(PR) or raising issues. For every PR and issue that is accepted, we will calculate the impact of the contribution by analyzing the scope of the work done.


The issues will be of varied difficulty levels right from beginner level. This is so that everyone can  participate, irrespective of their experience with open source.


The detailed judging process will be described in the SODA Hackathon OSI 2021 Developers Guide which will be available on our community repository here. This will be available after 23rd September 2021.


The participants contributing will be eligible to win the prizes listed below. Participants will also have to perform a few other tasks which will be shared via email on successfully registering for the hackathon.


Note: Every participant must have their own GitHub ID and use the same for contributions.


If you’re new to open source (which everyone was once!), you can take a look at the Introduction to Open Source tutorial series. To make your first contribution, it’s required to familiarize yourself with how to create a pull request.


The rules, prerequisites and other details for the Hackathon can be found here


Based on the overall score and the number of contributions and the overall task completion the winners will be decided by the project maintainers and the SODA Foundation.

The winners stand a chance to win the following prizes:

  • 1 x 1st – Amazon vouchers worth INR 10,000/-
  • 1 x 2nd – Amazon vouchers worth INR, 5000/-
  • 1 x 3rd – Amazon vouchers worth INR 3,000/-
  • 5 x Promising Contributors – Amazon vouchers worth INR 1000/-

Where to discuss more and connect with maintainers?

Please join SODA Slack and join the slack channel “soda-osi-2021”. You can ask any doubts or discuss with maintainers there. You can also post comments in the GitHub issues.

Frequently Asked Questions


Q. How to Register ?
A. Use this link to register for the Hackathon.


Q. How many team members can I have?
A. Minimum 1 to a maximum of 4 members. All the members must register for the Hackathon separately and mention the team name at the time of registration. All the team members must contribute from their individual IDs. Group contributions from one single ID will be counted as individual.


Q. Who can participate in this challenge ?
A. Everyone! Yes, everyone! The participation is open for everyone. It is also FREE. Anyone who wants to contribute to open source projects or wants to learn how to do so can participate.


Q. I have registered for SODA Developer Community Hackathon 2021. Can I attend OSI 2021 using the same ID?
A. No. SODA Developer Community Hackathon is a co-located event with OSI 2021 but the registration is separate for both. You must be registered for OSI 2021 (OSI registration) and for SODA Developer Community Hackathon 2021 (SODA Hackathon Registration).


Q. Any prerequisites to participate in this challenge?
A. All participants must have a GitHub ID and have basic understanding of working with Github and Git. If you are new to open source (which everyone was once!), you can take a look at the Introduction to Open Source tutorial series. To make your first contribution, it’s required to familiarize yourself with how to create a pull request.


Q. How will we receive the prizes (if won) and certificates?
A. We’ll provide all the winners with the digital certificate. The Amazon gift coupon code will be mailed to their email. In case a team has more than one member then the prize will be divided equally among the team members.


Q. How and where do I ask for help?
A. For any doubts or questions on how to proceed you can join the SODA Slack and post your questions in the #soda-osi-2021 channel.

Other Tech Talks

8th Oct, 

13:30 – 14:00

Multi Cloud – A Storage Perspective

Prakash R, Consulting Member, Technical Staff, Oracle,
Rajat Verma, Senior Technical Solutions Architect, Calsoft
Prakash R.
Rajat R. Verma

8th Oct, 

14:45 – 15:30

Open Source Storage Monitoring: Right time to contribute!

 Najmudheen, Systems Architect, Huawei Technologies,
Sahil Raja, Software Engineer @MayaData,
Abhishek Agarwal, Software Engineer @MayaData

8th Oct, 

16:15 – 17:00

Smart Data Archival for Hybrid Cloud- Breaking the Silos!

Ashit Kumar, Lead Architect, Huawei Technologies
Amit Debnath, Software Architect, Wipro
Ashit Kumar