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KubernetesDay India 2019 was a well organized CNCF event, first of its kind in India. Around 1000 people attended the event and major organizations joined to showcase their cloud and open source solutions. Local and international experts shared their experiences and engaged with attendees on Kubernetes and related cloud native technologies. OpenSDS joined the event as a silver sponsor and introduced the project to India community for the first time! It was well received.

Around 300 people visited OpenSDS booth and we got more than 100 people interested to know more about the project. Visitors shared their specific pain points and agreed that the features and scope of OpenSDS are in the right direction where it can help to resolve existing and future challenges in storage and data management. OpenSDS team had a constructive interaction with visitors and sponsoring organizations.

About Kubernetes Day India 2019

Kubernetes Day India was the first ever CNCF event in India and is being hosted at the Infosys premises in Bengaluru. Infosys was the venue sponsor for the event. Kubernetes Day- a one day, single track event, brings together local and international experts for developers of all levels interested in Kubernetes and related cloud-native technologies. With this event, the CNCF aims at appealing to a large number of developers who might not necessarily travel to KubeCon + CloudNativeCon events in Europe, China, and North America.
Mainly the event covered most of the basic topics around Kubernetes including the usage, contributions. Speakers from India and abroad featured in the event.

OpenSDS @ the event

OpenSDS joined the event as silver sponsor. OpenSDS booth provided all the basic introduction about the project along with live demo. The project vision, the major data management challenges, architecture and project collaboration opportunities are shared. Also Kubernetes integration and multi-cloud features (including data migration) were showcased at the booth. Many of the visitors from various companies looked very much interested in the overall goal of the project, and keen on the roadmap features. The storage and data management problems which opensds is trying solve look applicable for many.

Both individuals and organizations showed interests in the features. Some of them are keen to know more about the project and explore the possibilities of collaboration with this Linux Foundation project.

Around 300 people visited the booth and more than 100 people showed interests in knowing more about OpenSDS and collaborate. There were people working in solution, multi-cloud, storage and open source. Members from major organizations visited – Infosys, IBM, Microsoft, NetApp, Oracle, OpenEBS, AWS, ISG Research, portworx, infracloud, gopaddle, pivotal and more. Visitors shared their specific pain points and agreed that the features and scope of OpenSDS are in the right direction where it can help to resolve existing and future challenges in storage and data management. OpenSDS team had a constructive interaction with visitors and sponsoring organizations.

The OpenSDS team was represented by Steven Tan, TSC Chair & CTO Cloud Storage Solutions, Liaocheng, APAC IT Mktg, Wangxiaojun, India IT Mktg, Xing Yang, Tech Lead & Architect OpenSDS, Xulin, OpenSDS Maintainer, Sanil, Architect & Lead OpenSDS India and members of OpenSDS India team.