A Kubernetes Native Edge Computing Framework


KubeEdge is built upon Kubernetes and extends native containerized application orchestration and device management to hosts at the Edge. It consists of cloud part and edge part, and provides core infrastructure support for networking, application deployment and metadata synchronization between cloud and edge. It also supports MQTT which enables edge devices to access through edge nodes.

With KubeEdge it is easy to get and deploy existing complicated machine learning, image recognition, event processing and other high level applications to the Edge. With business logic running at the Edge, much larger volumes of data can be secured & processed locally where the data is produced. With data processed at the Edge, the responsiveness is increased dramatically and data privacy is protected.

KubeEdge is an incubation-level hosted project by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). KubeEdge incubation announcement by CNCF.


  • Kubernetes-native support: Managing edge applications and edge devices in the cloud with fully compatible Kubernetes APIs.
  • Cloud-Edge Reliable Collaboration: Ensure reliable messages delivery without loss over an unstable cloud-edge network.
  • Edge Autonomy: Ensure edge nodes run autonomously and the applications in edge run normally, when the cloud-edge network is unstable or edge is offline and restarted.
  • Edge Devices Management: Managing edge devices through Kubernetes native APIs implemented by CRD.
  • Extremely Lightweight Edge Agent: Extremely lightweight Edge Agent(EdgeCore) to run on resource constrained edge.